Violence In Television And Video Games Does The Media's Message Matter

Topics: Video Game

Apostles”Violence in Television and Video Games: Does the Media’s Message Matter” In this short essay about violence in television and video games it starts off talking about a very popular TV show at one point the sopranos. the author then goes on to talk about how in one of the episodes of sopranos Tony television and video games it starts off talking about a very popular TV show at one point the sopranos. the author then goes on to talk about how in one of the episodes of sopranos Tony Soprano murders one of his associates and dismembers the body and dumped the body parts.

hen the author talks about a few months later to brothers where caught for strangling and cutting her head and hands off and the only reason they were caught is because a security guard saw them dumping a large bundle into the dumpster and saw that a foot was sticking out, the police immediately claimed that the sopranos TV show is the reason for the teenagers acts.

the short essay goes on to talk about by the time of ones elementary school graduation a child will have seen eight thousand murders and eight hundred thousand acts of violence on TV.

The experts say that watching high levels of media violence makes people more prawn to act more aggressively. Researchers have also linked video games to the same effects as the media violence but later goes on to say that it various between one another.

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I feel that some people are influenced by media violence and video game violence but not all are prawn to these effects, it just seems to make sense that if you play a violent video game every day and it doesn’t have to be the same for about a year to a year and a half i bet there will be some violent or aggressive traits that where brought on by the game.

Violence In Television Essay

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Violence In Television And Video Games Does The Media's Message Matter. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

Violence In Television And Video Games Does The Media's Message Matter
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